Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process
Initial Evaluation (1-3 days)
The submitted manuscript will be evaluated by the Journal Editors, assessing the factors of potential plagiarism, formatting issues, and the appropriateness of the submission towards the Journal’s research scope. Authors with poor formatting & writing will be asked to revise and resubmit. Upon successfully proceeding the initial evaluation stage, the submission will proceed towards the peer review process.
Assigning Reviewers
The Journal Editor will assign 3 anonymous expert reviewers from internal and external institutions to review the manuscript
Peer Review and Decision (14-21 days)
Per the double-blinded peer review process, reviewers decide upon the following choices of revision, accompanied by comments and recommendations.
- Accept for publication without major adjustment (Except typos and format – if applicable)
- Accept for publication after the author has considered the reader’s comments with or without adjustment
- Accept for publication after the author has adjusted according to the reader’s comments
- Reject
Upon receiving and considering the recommendations of the peer reviewers, the Journal Editors will finalise the decision of the publication. The decision will be informed to the author(s) within the Thaijo system, notifying authors of the designated decision and the reviewers’ comments of recommendations for revision as shown above. If the manuscript has been approved by the Journal Editors, the author is required to revise their manuscript according to the recommendations of the reviewers. The author should return the revised edition within a specified period of time, as informed by the journal.
Revision (7-14 days)
The Journal Editors will evaluate the revised edition, taking into account the authors’ revisions and reviewers’ recommendations. For minor revisions, the Journal Editors will evaluate the revised edition and declare the final decision, notifying author(s) through the Thaijo system. For major revisions, the Journal Editors will evaluate the revised manuscript and declare the final decision, which, if deemed necessary, may require the creation of another peer review round with its subsequent reviewers assigned.
Publication (14-21 days)
The accepted submission will proceed into the copy-editing and formatting process, which will be notified to author(s) upon completion for any further desired revisions. Upon the acceptance of the author(s), the Journal Editors shall publish the accepted final revised edition into the next Journal issue publication.