Thai Journal of Public Administration Volume 12 Number 2


July – December 2014

Table of Contents

Editor’s Introduction


Decentralization Reforms and Social Changes in Thai Municipal Governments
by Chandra Mahakanjana

A Theoretical Model of the Organizational Performance of Social Enterprises: Combining the Resource Dependence and Resource-Based Views
by Sookyuen Tepthong

The Commitment of Employees to Quality: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Organizations
by Somnuk Pipitarungsri

Evaluating a Local Administrator Training Program: An Empirical Study of the Thai Local Administrator Development Program, Department of Local Administration
by Werawat Punnitamai

Barriers to Participation in Development Planning of Local Government Councils in Municipalities in Northeastern Thailand
by Kathanyoo Kaewhanam, Jariya Chatasuwajananon & Phimlikid Kaewhanam

Emergency Management in New Zealand: Arrangements, Laws and Structures
by Watcharapol Supajakwattana & Panatchada Supajakwattana

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