Author Guidelines


Information for Contributors

The Journal of Public Administration, Public Affairs, and Management publishes articles in the fields of public administration, public affairs, public policy, management, and other relevant disciplines.  The Journal is published bi-annually, in June and December.  Each manuscript is reviewed by at least three expert reviewers, chosen from both inside and outside institutions.

Types of Published Articles

Accepted article submissions must be original manuscripts, created by the author(s), and must not be under consideration in other journals elsewhere. Published articles fall under one of the following categories:

Research Articles

Research articles are written on the topic of empirical research conducted by the author(s), and must be a primary source concerning said research. The format of research articles should contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, conceptual framework/research model, research methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.

Academic Articles

An academic article is a secondary source, which focuses on expanding existing research through conducting analytical and critical examinations of concurrent research, drawing conclusions concerning the development of new models and theories. Authors may also conduct an in-depth analysis of existing literature, evaluating and providing a critical analysis of published studies.

Book Reviews

Book reviews detail the analytical summary of a particular book, highlighting and critically examining its main findings, methodology, and other sections. Authors conducting book reviews should also detail the relationship of the book’s findings with other published books and research in the relevant field of study.

General Guidelines

Authors should submit their electronic manuscripts (Microsoft Word and PDF) through journal website or directly at

Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines in the American Psychological Association (APA), 15th edition.



Blau, P. (1964). Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: Transaction Publishers.

Book Chapter

Jenkins-Smith, H., Nohrestedt, D., Weible, C., & Ingold, K. (2017). The advocacy coalition 

        framework: An overview of the research program. In Christopher, W. M., & Sabatier, P. A.   

        (Ed). Theories of the Policy Process. 4th edition. Boulder: Westview Press.


Singkasa, N. (2011). Study the Concept of Japanese Dessert Packaging Design. Master’s Thesis, Silpakorn University.


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2012). What we know and don’t know about corporate social

       responsibility: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 38(4), 932-968.

Submissions should be manuscripts that have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.  Manuscripts should be no longer than 8,000 words, including the abstract, endnotes, reference list, tables, figures, charts, and appendices. he authors are solely responsible for proofreading their manuscript and for language editing. Manuscripts not meeting a standard of language quality will be returned to the author for revision.

All material should be 12-point Times New Roman type, double-spaced with margins of one inch. Please do not use the auto format feature in your word processing program and do not use the footnote feature to embed endnotes. An abstract of no more than 150 words should appear on a separate page, preceding the first page of the manuscript.  The abstract should include the central question addressed

by the article and the author’s findings and conclusions.  The Thai Journal of Public Administration uses a double-blind review process so authors should prepare their manuscripts accordingly.  Please avoid indications of authorship whenever possible.

Information on Manuscript Formatting

Author information

Authors of articles should provide the following information:

– author names (for the corresponding author, specify name and email address)

– affiliations (institution and country)

Tables, Figures, Charts, Appendices

Please keep tables, figures, charts, and appendices to a minimum. Your text may highlight and summarize the main points in a table but it should not duplicate the details. Note that the words “table,” “figure,” “appendix,” etc. should be lowercase when referred to in the text. Zeros

should be omitted before decimal points in tables but not in the text. Please do not use heavy borders or shading. If the table, figure, or chart requires fill effects please USE PATTERNS instead of shading.

Article Title and Section Headings

The guidelines for article titles and section headings are as follows:

Article title and principal subheads: 14-point roman type, title case, bold, and set on a line separate from the text. Do not underline.

Secondary subheads: 12-point roman type, title case, bold, and set on a line separate from the text. Do not underline.

Sub-subheads (run-in subheads): 12-point roman type, title case, bold and italic, run-in at the beginning of a paragraph, and followed by a period. Do not underline.


Numerals or words: Spell out only single-digit numbers (1–9) and use numerals for all others. Use numerals for percentages and spell out percent (for instance, 9 percent). Centuries should be spelled out and lowercased.

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