Greetings from the Journal of Public Administration, Public Affairs, and Management!
Starting with this volume (volume 21 number 1 January – June 2023), our journal has made significant changes, broadening our scope and continuing our journey to becoming an international, Scopus-indexed platform. In reflection of our broadened scope, we have changed our journal’s name from the Journal of Public Administration to the Journal of Public Administration, Public Affairs, and Management.
We are continually making progress toward our goal of meeting the journal selection criteria of Scopus. We have increased the accessibility and visibility of our publications and peer-reviewed content, along with registering an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), both print and online. We have added, and will continue to add, content that is relevant for and readable by an international audience. For readers of our journal, we hope these changes improve your enjoyment and allow further knowledge to be gained from our journal articles. For authors, we expect that these changes will improve our citation rankings and the visibility of our published articles.
I strongly encourage you to submit your work for publication in our journal, and enthusiastically invite you to cite our articles. Submissions from around the globe are encouraged; we aim to increase diversity in the geographical distribution of our authors. We would make sure that your articles are processed with no delays or interruptions in the publication schedule.
All manuscripts and editorial communications should be sent via the ThaiJo Online Submission System, by logging on to ThaiJo Online. First-time users are required to register before making submissions. After registration, authors may also enter submissions via our website, which links to the ThaiJo system.
You can receive regular updates on our journal, including updates on recent publications, calls for research papers, and more, by following our Facebook page: Facebook JournalofPaPaM.
I truly hope that you will continue to enjoy and benefit from the publications in our journal.
Dr. Anchana NaRanong
Chief Editor